
Types serve two principal purposes:

  • Types provide implicit context for many operations, so that the programmer does not have to specify that context explicitly. 让编译器知道是整数还是浮点数加减、自定义类型申请正确的堆空间、执行用户自定义的类型构造器(constructor)
  • Types limit the set of operations that may be performed in a semantically valid program.

Type Systems


Computer hardware can interpret bits in memory in several different ways: as instructions, addresses, characters, and integer and floating-point numbers of various lengths.


High-level languages, on the other hand, almost always associate types with values, to provide the contextual information and error checking alluded to above.

a type system consists:

  • a mechanism to define types and associate them with certain language constructs
  • a set of rules for type equivalence, type compatibility, and type inference.

Type Checking

Type checking is the process of ensuring that a program obeys the language’s type compatibility rules.


  • 强类型
  • 弱类型
  • 静态类型
  • 动态类型
  • 编译时绑定
  • 运行时绑定


Polymorphism allows a single body of code to work with objects of multiple types.


explicit parametric polymorphism(泛型)

The Meaning of “Type”

There are at least three ways to think about types, which we may call the denotational, constructive, and abstraction-based points of view.

  • denotational(表示意义):A value has a given type if it belongs to the set
  • constructive(构造):a type is either one of a small collection of built-in types, or a composite type created by applying a type constructor
  • abstraction-based(基于抽象):a type is an interface consisting of a set of operations with well-defined and mutually consistent semantics

Types are domains, and the meaning of an expression is a value from the domain that represents the expression’s type.

One of the nice things about the denotational view of types is that it allows us in many cases to describe user-defined composite types.

Classification of Types

Most languages provide built-in types similar to those supported in hardware by most processors: integers, characters, Booleans, and real (floating-point) numbers.

  • Numeric Types
  • Enumeration Types
  • Subrange Types: 0..100
  • Composite Types
    • Records (structures)
    • Variant records (unions)
    • Arrays
    • Sets
    • Pointers
    • Lists
    • Files


Orthogonality is equally important in type system design. A highly orthogonal language tends to be easier to understand, to use, and to reason about in a formal way.

Type Checking

Type Equivalence

there are two principal ways of defining type equivalence.

  • Structural equivalence is based on the content of type definitions(结构一样就一样)
  • Name equivalence is based on the lexical occurrence of type definitions(结构一样换个名字也不一样)

Type Compatibility

Most languages do not require equivalence of types in every context. Instead, they merely say that a value’s type must be compatible with that of the context in which it appears.

In general, modern compiled languages display a trend toward static typing and away from type coercion.

For systems programming,or to facilitate the writing of general-purpose container (collection) objects (lists, stacks, queues, sets, etc.) that hold references to other objects, several languages provide a universal reference type.

Records (Structures) and Variants (Unions)

Record types allow related data of heterogeneous types to be stored and manipulated together.

Memory Layout and Its Impact

The fields of a record are usually stored in adjacent locations in memory. In its symbol table,the compiler keeps track of the offset of each field within each record type.

Variant Records (Unions)

Many allowed the programmer to specify that certain variables (presumably ones that would never be used at the same time) should be allocated “on top of” one another, sharing the same bytes in memory.


Arrays are the most common and important composite data types. They have been a fundamental part of almost every high-level language.


  • Syntax and Operations
  • Dimensions, Bounds, and Allocation
    • Stack Allocation
    • Heap Allocation
  • Memory Layout
    • row-major
    • column-major
    • Row-Pointer Layout
    • Address Calculations



Pointers and RecursiveTypes

  • Dangling References
  • Garbage Collection
    • Reference Counts
    • Tracing Collection
    • Mark-and-Sweep
    • Pointer Reversal
    • Stop-and-Copy
    • Generational Collection
    • Conservative Collection


Files and Input/Output

EqualityTesting and Assignment

Summary and Concluding Remarks


在我们关于类型的一般讨论中,我们区分了表示性、构造性和基于抽象的观点,分别从它们的值、它们的子结构以及它们支持的操作来看待类型。我们为常见的内置类型、枚举、子范围以及常见的类型构造器引入了术语。我们讨论了几种不同的类型等价、兼容性和推断方法,包括(在PLP CD上)对ML的推断规则的详细检查。我们还检查了类型转换、强制和非转换类型转换。在类型等价的领域内,我们对比了结构性和基于名称的方法,指出虽然名称等价似乎越来越受欢迎,但结构等价仍有其拥护者。




语言设计的几个领域中,I/O显示出了极大的变化。我们的讨论(主要在PLP CD上)区分了交互式I/O,这往往非常具有平台特定性,以及基于文件的I/O,后者又细分为临时文件,用于单次程序运行中的大量数据,以及用于离线存储的持久文件。文件还细分为那些以二进制形式表示信息的文件,这些文件模仿内存中的布局,以及那些转换为字符基础文本和从字符基础文本转换回来的文件。与二进制文件相比,文本文件通常会产生时间和空间的开销,但它们具有可移植性和人类可读性的重要优势。

在我们对类型的检查中,我们看到了许多语言创新的例子,这些创新有助于提高程序的清晰度和可维护性,而且通常几乎没有或根本没有性能开销。例子包括用户定义类型的原始想法(Algol 68)、枚举和子范围类型(Pascal)、记录和变体的整合(Pascal)以及Ada中子类型和派生类型之间的区别。在第9章中,我们将检查许多人认为过去30年中最重要的创新,即面向对象。



与此同时,可以看出语言设计者和用户越来越愿意接受语言实现中的复杂性和成本,以改善语义。这里的例子包括Ada的类型安全变体记录;Java和C#的标准长度数值类型;Icon、Java和C#的变长字符串和字符串操作符;Ada中数组边界的后期绑定;以及Fortran 90中丰富的整个数组和基于切片的数组操作。也可以包括ML的多态类型推断。当然,还应该包括自动垃圾回收的趋势。曾经被认为对于生产质量的命令式语言来说太昂贵的垃圾回收,现在不仅在Clu和Cedar等实验性语言中是标准配置,而且在Ada、Modula-3、Java和C#中也是如此。许多这样的特性,包括变长字符串、切片和垃圾回收,已被脚本语言所采纳。

Control Flow

the language mechanisms used to specify ordering into several categories:

  • Sequencing
  • Selection
  • Iteration
  • Procedural abstraction
  • Recursion
  • Concurrency
  • Exception handling and speculation
  • Nondeterminacy

Expression Evaluation

An expression generally consists of either a simple object (e.g., a literal constant, or a named variable or constant) or an operator or function applied to a collection of operands or arguments, each of which in turn is an expression.

Precedence and Associativity



computation typically consists of an ordered series of changes to the values of variables in memory. Assignments provide the principal means by which to make the changes.

side effect

Assignment is perhaps the most fundamental side effect: while the evaluation of an assignment may sometimes yield a value, what we really care about is the fact that it changes the value of a variable, thereby influencing the result of any later computation in
which the variable appears.

References and Values

there are some subtle but important differences in the semantics of assignment in different imperative languages. These differences are often invisible, because they do not affect the behavior of simple programs.

  • 值传递和引用传递
  • 左值和右值



There are several reasons, however, why such initial values may be useful:

  • 静态变量需要初始化
  • 编译器预分配初始化值优化(Java Integer预分配)
  • 使用未初始化变量引起的问题

It should be emphasized that initialization saves time only for variables that are statically allocated.

If a variable is not given an initial value explicitly in its declaration, the language may specify a default value.

Dynamic Checks

Instead of giving every uninitialized variable a default value, a language or implementation can choose to define the use of an uninitialized variable as a dynamic semantic error, and can catch these errors at run time.

Definite Assignment


This notion is based on the control flow of the program, and can be statically checked by the compiler.



Many object-oriented languages (Java and C# among them) allow the programmer to define types for which initialization of dynamically allocated variables occurs automatically, even when no initial value is specified in the declaration.

Ordering within Expressions


  • Side effects: 表达式内函数求值副作用
  • Code improvement: 求值顺序和编译器优化

Applying Mathematical Identities(数学恒等式)


Short-Circuit Evaluation(短路表达式)

A compiler that performs short-circuit evaluation of Boolean expressions will generate code that skips the second half of both of these computations when the overall value can be determined from the first half.

Structured and Unstructured Flow


Structured Alternatives to goto

Where once a goto might have been used to escape from the middle of a loop, most modern languages provide a break or exit statement for this purpose.

Multilevel Returns

return和 local goto都可以从当前子程序中返回,但是 nonlocal goto会破坏这种情况,如果直接goto到其他子程序中会破坏当前子程序堆栈,还需要立刻加载另一个子程序的堆栈。如果使用return这些都是在执行到return关键字时才发生的。

Errors and Other Exceptions


In a related and arguably more common situation, a deeply nested block or subroutine may discover that it is unable to proceed with its usual function, and moreover lacks the contextual information it would need to recover in any graceful way.

As a structured alternative, many modern languages provide an exception-handling mechanism for convenient, nonlocal recovery from exceptions.



The notion of nonlocal gotos that unwind the stack can be generalized by defining what are known as continuations.

call/cc => 控制流变换:

在 Scheme 中,假设 call/cc 捕捉到的 current continuation 为 cc(位于 lambda 中),如果 cc 作为过程 直接或间接地被调用(即给它传值),call/cc 会立即返回,返回值即为传入 cc 的值。即一旦 current continuation 被调用,控制流会跳到 call/cc 处。因此,利用 call/cc,我们可以摆脱顺序执行的限制,在程序中跳来跳去,非常灵活。


Like assignment, sequencing is central to imperative programming. It is the principal means of controlling the order in which side effects (e.g.,assignments) occur



Short-Circuited Conditions

虽然if else语句中包含一个布尔表达式,但是通常不需要将其结果解析出来放在寄存器中,而是拆分布尔表达式用来控制代码跳转(通过短路表达式来优化代码)。

Case/Switch Statements

if else语句过长时可能会被优化成 switch/case 语句(通过查表来优化代码性能)。



Iteration and recursion are the two mechanisms that allow a computer to perform similar operations repeatedly.

Enumeration-Controlled Loops(for循环)

在编译器生成代码时的一个可能的优化是预先计算迭代次数:max([last-first+step]/step, 0)


  1. Can control enter or leave the loop in any way other than through the enumeration mechanism? => break/exit
  2. What happens if the loop body modifies variables that were used to compute the end-of-loop bound? => 不允许
  3. What happens if the loop body modifies the index variable itself? => 禁止在循环体内自己更新索引
  4. Can the program read the index variable after the loop has completed, and if so, what will its value be? => 循环结束后索引值是未定义的

Combination Loops



  • range()
  • 对象迭代器
  • 惰性迭代流

Recursion 递归

Iteration and Recursion

Iteration is in some sense the more “natural” of the two in imperative languages, because it is based on the repeated modification of variables.

Recursion is the more natural of the two in functional languages, because it does not change variables.




Applicative- and Normal-Order Evaluation

Throughout the discussion so far we have assumed implicitly that arguments are evaluated before passing them to a subroutine. This need not be the case. It is possible to pass a representation of the unevaluated arguments to the subroutine instead, and to evaluate them only when (if) the value is actually needed.




Summary and Concluding Remarks








Semantic Analysis

semantics concerns its meaning. Meaning is important for at least two reasons: it allows us to enforce rules (e.g., type consistency) that go beyond mere form, and it provides the information we need in order to generate an equivalent output program.

Semantic rules are further divided into static and dynamic semantics

Both semantic analysis and intermediate code generation can be described in terms of annotation, or decoration of a parse tree or syntax tree.

Attribute grammars provide a formal framework for the decoration of a tree. This framework is a useful conceptual tool even in compilers that do not build a parse tree or syntax tree as an explicit data structure.

The Role of the Semantic Analyzer

The role of the semantic analyzer is to enforce all static semantic rules and to annotate the program with information needed by the intermediate code generator.

Dynamic Checks

Many compilers that generate code for dynamic checks provide the option of disabling them if desired.


The compiler then generates code to check the assertions at run time. An assertion is a statement that a specified condition is expected to be true when execution reaches a certain point in the code.

Static Analysis

In general, compile-time algorithms that predict run-time behavior are known as static analysis.

static analysis may enable code improvement:

  • alias analysis
  • escape analysis
  • subtype analysis

Attribute Grammars

To tie these expressions to mathematical concepts (as opposed to, say, floor tile patterns or dance steps), we need additional notation. The most common is based on attributes.

In a compiler or interpreter for a full programming language, the attributes of tree nodes might include:

  • for an identifier, a reference to information about it in the symbol table
  • for an expression, its type
  • for a statement or expression, a reference to corresponding code in the compiler’s intermediate form
  • for almost any construct, an indication of the file name, line, and column where the corresponding source code begins
  • for any internal node, a list of semantic errors found in the subtree below

Evaluating Attributes

The process of evaluating attributes is called annotation or decoration of the parse tree.

Synthesized Attributes 合成属性

synthesized attributes: their values are calculated (synthesized) only in productions in which their symbol appears on the left-hand side.

Inherited Attributes

In general, we can imagine (and will in fact have need of) attributes whose values are calculated when their symbol is on the right-hand side of the current production. Such attributes are said to be inherited.

Attribute Flow

they define a set of valid trees, but they don’t say how to build or decorate them.

the order in which attribute rules are listed for a given production is immaterial; attribute flow may require them to execute in any order.

An algorithm that decorates parse trees by invoking the rules of an attribute grammar in an order consistent with the tree’s attribute flow is called a translation scheme.

One-Pass Compilers

A compiler that interleaves semantic analysis and code generation with parsing is said to be a one-pass compiler

Action Routines

An ad hoc translation scheme that is interleaved with parsing takes the form of a set of action routines.

An action routine is a semantic function that the programmer (grammar writer) instructs the compiler to execute at a particular point in the parse.

Space Management for Attributes

If we are building an explicit parse tree, then the obvious approach is to store attributes in the nodes of the tree themselves.

For a bottom-up parser with an S-attributed grammar, the obvious approach is to maintain an attribute stack

For a top-down parser with an L-attributed grammar, we have two principal options:

  • uses an attribute stack
  • “shortcutting” copy rules

Tree Grammars and Syntax Tree Decoration

attribute grammars can also be used to decorate syntax trees.

Summary and Concluding Remarks






