- 正态分布
- 均匀分布
- 指数分布
**data enhancement:**extrapolate
Texas sharp shooter fallacy(神射手谬误)
- efficient market hypothesis:有效性市场假说==>随机漫步模型
- stock & market
- adjusted for risk
- distribution
- multiplicative vs additive
- memoryless(Poisson):无记忆性
think computationly
computational thinking:
- identify or invent useful abstractions
- formulate solution to a problem as a computational experiment
- design and construct a sufficiently implementation of experiment
- validate experimental setup
- run experment
- evaluate results of experiment
- repeat as needed
- choosing the right abstractions
- operating in terms of multiple layers of abstractions simultaneously
- defining the relationships the between
- think in terms of machineizing our abstractions
- Mechanization is possible
thinking recursively:
- Reformulating a seemingly difficult problem into one which we know how to solve
- Reduction,cmbedding,transformation,simulation
Take it a step at time:
- understand problem
- think about overall structure and algorithm independently of expression in programming language
- break into small parts
- identify useful abstractions
- code and unit test a part at a time
- first functionality, then efficiency
- start with pseudo code
By systematic:
- when debugging, think scientific method
- ask yourself why program did what it did, not why it didn’t do what you wanted it to do.